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Search, edit and never loose  any information in your WhatsApp chats.

Whatool is an utility iOS app that extend WhatsApp Messenger, Line e Viber.

By importing your conversations in Whatool, you will be able to perform more sophisticated searches than the messaging application WhatsApp Messenger and Viber will allow you by default.
You will be able to search by:

  • text (full-text mode)
  • date: between two dates, from a date or to a date
  • subject: search messages by sender.



Whatool 1.14

The new version of Whatool (1.14) is now available in the Apple App Store. The best iOS app that enables you to search for content inside your messaging app (WhatsApp Messenger, Line and Viber) in a fast and easy way. The new version of Whatool, enhance the stability of the app, reducing the unexpected crashes. […]

Whatool 1.13.5

In Apple App Store the version 1.13.5 of Whatool is now available.What’s new in this version:improved application stabilitynew shortcut to MERGE mode

Whatool 1.12

Whatool si aggiorna e arriva alla versione 1.12 portando con se un aumento sostanziale della stabilità dell’applicazione. Aggiorna subito!!! Whatool è il motore di ricerca per le più diffuse app di messaggistica (WhatsApp Messenger, Line, Viber,…). Importa le tue conversazioni e cerca in modo rapido i messaggi per contenuto, data o mittente. La nuova funzione […]